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++ Last updated: 19.09.2024 ++ The zoo is open for you every day, including Sundays and holidays. We look forward to seeing you. The last admission is at 5:30 pm.

Golden autumn and colorful wildlife

Get out to the zoo!

Eberswalde Zoo with its animals is a wonderful excursion destination! The zoo is also open daily during the vacation season and on Sundays and public holidays. We look forward to seeing you.

Our highlights

A visit less ordinary!

Probably the most exciting lion enclosure in the world, Amur tigers in the midst of an ice-age glacier landscape, free-roaming monkeys and, since 2021, the tree-top walk - at all times of the year, the near-natural enclosures offer plenty of space for animal encounters. Here you can experience pure biodiversity and learn why nature conservation and species protection are so important.

Get out and have fun!

Great offers for children

Ten adventure playgrounds, a petting zoo, a children's safari and lots of fun within our holiday offers - Eberswalde Zoo is one of the most popular excursion destinations for families in Berlin and Brandenburg!

The big Zoo Festival

There is a lot going on here!

The highlight of the year is the big zoo festival in the month of august. With a large number of concerts, exhibitions and much more, we offer our visitors a colorful program of events throughout the year.

Enjoy the day!

How to plan your visit.

In order to make your visit to the Eberswalde Zoo a pleasure, you can find out everything about your day with us here. Where can you park? Can you bring your the dog? Is the zoo barrier-free? Where can we get something delicious to eat? All important information at a click.

Broaden your horizon!

Adventure ZooSchool

Whether day care center or school classes - basic zoological knowledge and an ecological understanding are imparted in an age-appropriate manner at the ZooSchool Eberswalde. Experiencing and understanding animals - Eberswalde Zoo provides offers for groups of all ages.

Enjoy the meal!

Penguins & Co.

The daily animal feedings are a very special attraction. Be there when the zookeepers provide their hungry protégés with meat, fish, fruit and vegetables.


Get married in the zoo

Say yes and celebrate. The zoo event team fulfills many extra wishes and ensures an unforgettable event not only for your wedding, but also for other occasions.

Your donation counts!

Supporting the zoo

With a donation you not only support Eberswalde Zoo, but also make an important contribution to nature and species protection. With your help we can improve the keeping conditions for our animals and continue to develop it in the future.