++ Due to the special situation in the state of Brandenburg in connection with the foot and mouth disease (FMD), the walk-in enclosures and the petting zoo are closed. Feeding the animals by visitors is not possible at the moment - (Last updated: 30.01.2024) ++ The zoo is open for you every day, including Sundays and holidays. We look forward to seeing you. The last admission is at 16:00.

Zoo History

From the waterfall to the zoological garden

The history of the current zoological garden in Eberswalde goes back to the year 1795. At that time, David Schickler created an opulent waterfall system. The forest area with its bridges, waterfalls, fountains, arbors and a grotto was an amazing destination for nature enthusiasts.

Species protection

Interaction between nature-animal-human

Eberswalde Zoo actively participates in the conservation of animal species protected by the Washington Convention on Endangered Species. With its diverse animal population, it is not only developing into a living natural history museum, but also into an educational and research facility. In all areas of the zoo you can find information on how the interaction between nature, animals and people works. 
Species Protection Day has a fixed place in the zoo calendar.

Natural reserve

Committed to nature

Zoo Eberswalde is surrounded by forest located in the middle of the Nonnenfließ / Schwärzetal's nature reserve and belongs to the town of Eberswalde. The trees of the beautiful mixed forest are part of the zoo grounds. It blends in harmoniously with the landscape and has a very special charm. Protecting this nature is an important concern.


Setting a good example

Species and environmental protection is our priority. All by focussing on species protection, research and education, high energy consumption is questionable, and Zoo Eberswalde aims to keep that in mind. Eberswalde Zoo has been setting a good example for more than 20 years. The declared goal is energetic independence.

Work + Internships

Work in one of the most beautiful zoos in Germany!

If you enjoy caring for, breeding and dealing with wild animals and are looking to work in one of the most beautiful zoos in Germany, then take a look at our vacancies.

Numbers + facts

15 hectares, 150 animal species, 1,500 animals

From A for anteater to Z for zebra - here you will find interesting facts and figures about Eberswalde Zoo and its animal inhabitants from five continents.

Support association

Totally committed

Since 2006 the association "Friends and Patrons of the Zoological Garden Eberswalde e.V." is supporting the zoo. The highlight of each year is the tiger bike tour, all of which donations go to the zoo.


Make up your mind.

Here you will find a selection of pictures from the Eberswalde Zoo. Our gallery is constantly being updated. So you can get an idea. Have fun!

Our partners

Progress is made by many.

Everything works better with a partner. And together you can definitely achieve more. Whether in species and nature conservation, in the tourism or energy sector, the Eberswalde Zoo has some strong partners on its side.