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Project days

Learning by all senses

Project lessons at Eberswalde zoological garden are experience-oriented and mainly focused on zoo-centered topics. Species protection and environmental education are at our focus.

Interdisciplinary projects

In addition to the subjects of the educational biology framework plans, interdisciplinary projects are provided.

For example: for Subject “Wolf” in addition to animal observations in the enclosure and explanations of social behavior by the district keeper, creative design consolidate the knowledge acquired. For most projects, direct contact with the animal is made possible. Our animal keepers provide information on nutrition, rearing, habitat, reproduction and much more.

With its animal population and due to its exposed location in the middle of the “Nonnenfließ / Schwärzetal” nature reserve, our zoo offers a variety of opportunities for action-oriented and discovery learning. So there is, for example, on the topic “Wood ants as an important key link in the forest ecosystem” a formicarium that has been looked after by students for years. At Eberswalde Zoo children learn with all their senses.

Topic selection

From grain to bread

The children take a close look at different types of grain, grind grain with grinding stones, bake their own delicious bread or pizza in a stone oven and, by the way, they learn a lot of interesting facts about the history of bread and the harvest compared to past and present.

From sheep to sweater

By feeling the wool, the children learn about the textile differences in wool. Under supervision, you will explore the production process of wool from plucking and carding to spinning. Felting is also a part of the program. The children can lend a hand themselves and thus gain lasting impressions and skills.

From tree to paper

Has paper always existed? The long way from tree to paper The children get achieve knowledge of various aspects of paper production and learn how to use paper responsibly. By creating paper themselves, children discover their creativity and learn how paper can be recycled.

Hardworking bees – sweet honey

How does a bee colony work? How are different types of honey made? Talking to a beekeeper. Depending on the duration of the project, we work with beeswax or build a wild beehive. The children experience the importance of bees for humans and nature. They watch bees and take a close look at them.

Duration depending on the age group2-4 hours
Price per child plus entryEUR 1.50
Number of participantsMax. 20 children

Do you have any questions or want to tune your project day? Please give us a call on +49 (0) 33 34/2 28 09 or send us an email