Fairytale hike

Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?
No need to… It is only a fariry tale character! But many animal fairy-tales come to life within the “fairytale hike” at Zoo Eberswalde.
On the one-hour fairy tale hike, children can test their knowledge of fairy tales and fables. Some fairy tale creatures can even be fed and petted. A varied alternative to German lessons in the classroom.
After an exciting journey through the world of animals and fairy-tales, the children can do some handicraft and take a small souvenir home .
The program is offered from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Children and their adult companions pay the regular admission fee one companion has free admission for every 10 children) and each child purchases a ZooSchool ticket of 1.50 euros.
The ZooSchool team will be happy to receive your registration on 0 33 34/2 28 09 or send us an email zooschule@eberswalde.de